Dialogues with Spirit

45-90 Minute virtual session

Beloved, tap in! Access the deep knowing in your Soul. Receive gentle reminders from Spirit. Remember that you are Divine and every aspect of your journey can provide you with valuable insights.

No matter what’s going on in our world — job pivots, breakups, childbirth, financial ups and downs, disasters, and triumphs— there's beauty in recognising that our connection to Spirit, to All is constant. If we allow ourselves to remember that, to tap in, to feel our Ancestors’ guidance, we can access this internal knowing that greater possibilities are available to us.

Let's do our best to listen to the ancient wisdom in our bones, nudging us towards alignment & Love. 

Availability is limited–book now

Hello Friends 

& Family! 

I'm Dr. Hadiya Sewer, a Decolonial feminist, philosopher, and Oracle from St. John, United States Virgin Islands. I'm an aborisa in the Ifa Tradition with training in mediumship, psychic intuitiveness, the Magdalene Mysteries, and Reiki. I have a deep love for our individual and collective Ancestors! And I'm always excited to have the opportunity to hold space for you and the Spirits who love you! I know that you are brilliant, powerful, and that you came to Earth with magic encoded in your bones! I'm excited to watch you shine, grow, heal, and transform even the messiest aspects of your life into opportunities to increase your capacity to love. I recognize that you are Divine and it's a privilege to sit in ceremony with you and remind you of your power and  Divinity. 

shine light on YOUR PATH

Join me for
a deeper awareness of your divinity 


Spots are limited! 

Dialogues with Spirit

on the agenda 
for your virtual reading


Quick Orientation

We'll open with a chat about logistics! I'll tell you what to expect. Please ask questions! This quick orientation is designed to let you know what you can expect! This is your session! and I'll give you some quick insights to help you feel safe and comfortable.


Open Directions

Next, I'll pray and guide us through “opening directions.” This is a meditative and ceremonial exercise that increases our awareness of our connection to Spirit. We honor the cardinal directions, our Earth Mother, Sky Father, Ancestors, & Highest Selves. 


Messages from spirit

Next, I'll listen to Spirit and pass on messages. You'll have an opportunity to ask questions! 


close directions & Design rituals

We'll close out our sacred circle. I'll offer you some suggestions on how to use ritual to navigate your life. These suggestions will be unique to the information that Spirit offers us during your session. 

Each Dialogue with Spirit is an opportunity to look into a sacred mirror! I walk into each session with the intention to help you increase your awareness of your Divinity. 

Come with any questions that have been lingering on your mind and in your soul. While I may not have access to all of the answers, there will be time to explore and get feedback from the Spirits who love you a whole ton! 

Before your session, I'll ask Spirit which tools to bring. I'll follow their advice. We may use tarot cards, an oracle deck, a pendulum, some cowerie shells, or a good old fashioned pen & notebook. It's up to Spirit! 


What's next

After securing your virtual session in my calendar, you’ll receive an exciting email from me with ideas on how you can prepare to get the most out of our time together!

DO I NEED TO HAVE PRIOR knowledge about spirituality?

There is no need to come with prior knowledge or experience.


Of course! 

what platform will we meet on

We will meet via Phone. If you're in the Virgin Islands, we may be able to meet in-person. 


Sessions usually run 45 to 90 minutes. I try to leave a buffer in my schedule before the next call! Therefore, I'll keep going as long as Spirit keeps going. If we run out of time (because you have to run or 90 min isn't enough), I'll invite you to continue the session via phone or email at a later time. 


If you would like a recording, please ask for one at the start of the session. Otherwise, I will not record

kind words from clients, Friends & Mentors

“Truly Gifted!! You will walk away empowered!”

—Rael Reddick

"I could copy, paste her powerful CV and list radical, heart centered accolades that illustrate how dope she is academically and professionally. An activist, former Stanford professor, scholar, philosopher, art collector, aborisha, psychic medium, spiritual boss, visionary, leading the rebirth of a brave decolonial new world and all while Mothering her two beautiful children. 

My favorite part of all her magic is her compassionate heart, the gentle way she delivers hard to receive truths."

—Savanah Loftus

“Hadiya Sewer is an incredible wealth of information. She is knowledgable and passionate.” 

—Gabrielle Querrard 

“Your reading is sitting deep down in me. I have tears running and feeling this. You are pure magic.” 

—Ty Hollins

Be certain that you are Divine.

 Intimately know your connection to your Ancestors  & the Great All. 

Recognize that even if you stumble, you are always on your Divine Path.

Get insights about past lives and fated connections! 

Most of all, “Know Thyself & To Thine Own Self Be True”